Hypoxia Impacts in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
The marine intertidal zone is characterized by large variations in temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and the supply of nutrients and food on both seasonal and daily time scales. These oceanic fluctuations are drivers of ecological processes such as recruitment, competition and consumer-prey interactions through mechanistic linkages that are largely physiological. In addition, these variable physiological capacities will likely vary over a species range, and this eventuality may drive local adaptation in a way that may influence our interpretations of how physiology changes over large spatial scales. Thus understanding of coastal ecosystem dynamics, and in particular, response of these systems to climate change, it is crucial to understand these linkages. In order to further examine the linkages of variation in performance across space and to begin to address the influence of GCC on marine ecosystems, we have teamed with the laboratory of Bruce Menge at Oregon State University to examine physiological variation in an ecologically dominant species, the mussel Mytilus californianus.
We are currently utilizing transcriptome analysis of the physiological response of M. californianus at different spatial scales to gain insight into these linkages. Theses approaches have recently highlighted two distinct gene expression signatures related to the cycling of metabolic activity and perturbations to cellular homeostasis that may be gated by oceanographic differences in food and stress environments between sites separated by as little as ~65 km. These new insights into environmental control of gene expression may allow understanding of important physiological drivers within and across populations.