Accelerated evolution at chaperone promoters among Antarctic notothenioid fishes

Accelerated evolution at chaperone promoters among Antarctic notothenioid fishes

A large degree of turnover has occurred in Notothenioidei at chaperone promoter regions that are

conserved among perciform fishes following adaptation to the cooling of the Southern Ocean. Additionally, derived

reductions in Hsf1-binding site frequency suggest cis-regulatory modifications to the classical heat shock response.

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Scanned Fishes from Antarctica

From Sam Bogan. "My infectiously cool morphology friends inspired me to scan some Antarctic fishes with the help of Adam P. Summers and his gang. A bulk of the cod icefishes dominating the McMurdo Sound are now in the #scanallfishes collection! Below: two closely related species occupying epibenthic (newnesi) and benthic (pennellii) habitats."

Two closely related species occupying epibenthic (newnesi) and benthic (pennellii) habitats.