Anthony Tercero recently published his Masters thesis on gene duplications of molecular chaperones in the genome of the emerald rocked, Trematomus Bernacchii.
Read MoreAccelerated evolution at chaperone promoters among Antarctic notothenioid fishes→
/A large degree of turnover has occurred in Notothenioidei at chaperone promoter regions that are
conserved among perciform fishes following adaptation to the cooling of the Southern Ocean. Additionally, derived
reductions in Hsf1-binding site frequency suggest cis-regulatory modifications to the classical heat shock response.
Read MoreMolecular characterization of novel mitochondrial peroxiredoxins →
/New publication with our Italian colleagues characterizing antioxidant genes in Antarctic fish.
MicroRNAs Regulate Inflammation in Antarctic Fish→
/Place lab graduate student, Dipali Vasadia, recently published her thesis research on the role of miRNAs in regulating the cellular stress response in Antarctic fish in the journal Marine Genomics.
Place Lab 2017 & 2018 Graduates
/Graduate students Dipali Vasadia and Brennan Chin graduated with their Master's degrees. Vasadia and Chin both graduated with department distinction honors. Anthony Tercero and Yelba Ortiz graduated with their Bachelor's of Science degrees. Sam Bogan is scheduled to graduate by the end of Summer 18 with his Master's degree.
Scanned Fishes from Antarctica
/From Sam Bogan. "My infectiously cool morphology friends inspired me to scan some Antarctic fishes with the help of Adam P. Summers and his gang. A bulk of the cod icefishes dominating the McMurdo Sound are now in the #scanallfishes collection! Below: two closely related species occupying epibenthic (newnesi) and benthic (pennellii) habitats."
Place Lab Featured in Seeker's video series "Science in the Extremes."
/Our team was recently featured in an episode of Seeker's video series "Science in the Extremes." This video highlighted our research and the harsh environment it occurred in.
Click here to watch the video.
Rare Capture of Larval Pagetopsis macropterus
/Rare fish find! A P. borchgrevinki we caught today spat out this juvenile icefish, likely from the Pagetopsis genus.

Photos of Antarctic Fish
/A few glamour shots of the three species of fish we're working with: Pagothenia borchgrevinki (the bald notothen), Trematomus bernacchii (emerald rockcod) and Trematomus newnesi (dusky rockcod)
T. bernacchii Catch
/Some of the T. bernacchii that we've caught are gravid females, which means they're full of eggs and fairly massive (earning them nicknames like "Big Bertha" and "Jabba"). A few days ago we returned them to Cape Evans.